Technique Junkies

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Thanks to all of you who participated in last month's challenge!  The winners of September's challenge will be announced on the 15th of October, so stay tuned! 

October's Top Winner will receive 3 digital sentiments made by yours truly, and each stamper who's card is showcased will receive 1 digital sentiment made by yours truly! ;)  Here's the best part--THE WINNERS get to choose what they want their sentiment to say and what style!  If this doesn't sound like something you'd like, you could choose from some sentiments that I already have made. :)  More details will be forthcoming after winners are announced. 

Hello again, friends!!!  We've got another fabulous challenge for you this month at Technique Tuesday--it's Bargello!!!  It looks harder than it is--and it really does NOT take too much time!  Plus, you will LOVE the results every single time!  
Materials Needed
Not all materials pictured
 Patterned Paper
Paper Cutter
Strong Adhesive
Embellishments, etc. to finish project
"How To"

1. Cut two or more patterns of paper into strips.  I used three patterns and cut them into 1/4" pieces.

2. Adhere the strips of paper onto a piece of cardstock.  Use a strong adhesive and get every little part of the paper stays down.

3.. Turn the paper to where the strips are horizontal and cut into strips.  I cut mine into 1/2" strips.


4. Play around with a pattern until you like it.

5. Adhere the strips onto another piece of cardstock with extremely strong adhesive.

6. Trim your panel.

7. Add it to your project.
More details on my personal blog.
And now, some inspiration from the crew!!!


 Please feel free to link up ANY TYPE of project that you wish using the above technique--we cannot WAIT to see your creations!  Please make sure you read the rules before linking up!  Their located under the Challenge Rules up at the top!  Happy crafting! :)


Unknown said...

Looks fab Mynnette, a definate one to do as I do love the result...luv annie

Fliss said...

You will not believe this Mynnette but serendipity has definitely struck here as I have a card I made recently which fits (love the technique having learnt it from the Magenta girls a while back) and just needs finishing off!!!
Fliss xx

Linda said...

What a great cards, very beautiful.
hugs Linda

Maggie said...

Looks an interesting technique hopefully I will be back to play!

happyscrapper said...

How cool. Will have to try it.

Desire Fourie said...

Oooh loving this technique. Might give it a go.
This is beautiful. Lovely colours and embellishments. Everything works so well together. Hugs Desíre {Doing Life - my personal blog}  

Danielle Vincent said...

Ooh this looks like fun - definitely must try it!

Petra said...

A beautiful Project. I love it. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I will do my best....
Hugs from Germany
Sorry for my terrible english....

Charity said...

looks like fun, can't wait to get started!

Karen P said...

Fantastic technique this month! Love all the different styles we all came up with! Looking forward to seeing some of our regulars lovely creations Karen x

Cheryl First said...

This is so neat! I am going to have to scoop up some scraps and see what I can come up with! Thanks so much for the tut!
Cheryl First
aka Cafexpressions

Vicky Hayes said...

SO clever Mynnette! Do hope I can join in...Vicky x

Geri said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I just finished an enjoyable journey through your - how do you come up with these techniques/ideas? Seriously, I must have been living under a rock, because 99% of this stuff is new to me...including this Bargello technique. I think I might just give it a whirl within the next day or two. Hopefully, my creation will be decent enough to post!

Debbie said...

This is a fun technique!! Great tut!! Beautiful creations by the DT!!

Adrienne Crist said...

I love the way this looks! I'm definitely going to give this a try!,

Keti's Projects said...

Beautiful. I have seen something similar already, but with zig-zag. But this one looks like I could do it too.

Thanks for sharing.

Keti XXX