Thanks to all of you who participated in last month's challenge! The winners of September's challenge will be announced on the 15th of October, so stay tuned!
October's Top Winner will receive 3 digital sentiments made by yours
truly, and each stamper who's card is showcased will receive 1 digital
sentiment made by yours truly! ;) Here's the best part--THE WINNERS get
to choose what they want their sentiment to say and what style! If
this doesn't sound like something you'd like, you could choose from some
sentiments that I already have made. :) More details will be forthcoming after winners are announced.
Hello again, friends!!! We've got another fabulous challenge for you
this month at Technique Tuesday--it's Bargello!!! It looks harder than
it is--and it really does NOT take too much time! Plus, you will LOVE
the results every single time!
Materials Needed
Not all materials pictured |
Patterned Paper
Paper Cutter
Strong Adhesive
Embellishments, etc. to finish project
"How To"
1. Cut two or more patterns of paper into strips. I used three patterns and cut them into 1/4" pieces.
2. Adhere the strips of paper onto a piece of cardstock. Use a strong adhesive and get every little part of the paper stays down.
3.. Turn the paper to where the strips are horizontal and cut into strips. I cut mine into 1/2" strips.
4. Play around with a pattern until you like it.
5. Adhere the strips onto another piece of cardstock with extremely strong adhesive.
6. Trim your panel.
7. Add it to your project.
And now, some inspiration from the crew!!!
Please feel free to link up ANY TYPE of project that you wish using the
above technique--we cannot WAIT to see your creations! Please make sure
you read the rules before linking up! Their located under the
Challenge Rules up at the top! Happy crafting! :)